Five suicides in thimphu within three weeks

In the span of three weeks, five cases of suicide were reported in the capital. The first case was that of a 21-year-old student at the Royal Thimphu College (RTC), followed by a 32-year-old taxi driver in Babesa.

A body of 34-year-old accountant working in Thimphu was found hanging by a belt in early morning of July 23. The matter was reported to police by the wife of the deceased.

There was also a class 10 student studying in one of the schools in the capital that was found dead on July 14. The deceased had used her scarf to hang herself and the incident was reported to police by the parents.

While the latest case was that of a 24-year¬old male in Babesa, who died due to suspected drug overdose. The victim was a recent graduate.

Some of the deceased came from tight knit families and some had promising careers ahead of them.

Police records show that the suicide rate among the male have risen. Officials fear the numbers might keep on rising if there is no proper intervention and care given to this pressing issue. They say, “The sooner, the better.”

Records with the Royal Bhutan Police indicate that men are more prone to committing suicide than women.

In 2012, a total of 60 cases of suicide committed by males were reported to police from across the country, with 2 suicide attempts made by males also in the same year. While the suicide case among the women was recorded at 16.

As of May 2013, records show that there were 18 male suicide cases while the female suicide rate was at 11.

Authorities believe depression and loneliness might be the factors driving the men and women to end their lives.

It is also known that unless drastic steps are taken to restrict such acts, suicide will soon become the leading cause of death in the country after motor vehicle accidents.

Studies around the world have shown that mental illness is a common factor that leads to individuals to take their own lives. A psychiatrist at the JDWNR hospital say depression, the most common mental illness, is the main cause of suicide among the male. Therefore, policy makers and stakeholders need to address the issue of mental health and well-being in the country.

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