Fixing the power fluctuation problem in Hospitals

Though rectification works have been done there are frequent damages in the equipment of some hospitals due to power fluctuations, particularly in Dagapela and Sipsoo hospitals.

However, the health minister said that the problem in some instances could be due to earthling and internal wiring as a thorough inspection was done by BPC up to the hospital site. So within the hospital, experts were sent to rectify and they have done re-wiring.

He said, “Though the fluctuations have reduced, the problem is still occurring especially in Dagapela and Sipsoo hospitals”.

The reason given for the frequent damage of hospital equipment was also that the machines are too old and there was improper usage of machine as proper procedure should be followed.

Basic training was given to the respective sections on how to improve take proper care of the equipment during a workshop.

As for the permanent solution, the health minister said that it might take some time to totally improve the situation as the problem is from both hospital and BPC’s side.

Apart from Dagapela and Sipsoo, some minor problems have been happening in other dzongkhags too.

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