Flood in Punakha


floodA flashflood in Kabisa (Whakuna) under Punakha washed away cash crops and caused some damages to paddy fields. The incident took place on June 4 at around 6am in the morning. The main cause of the flood was cited to be the continuous rainfall.

The regional police officer in-charge (OC) Captain Dorji Gyelpo said he is out of station, but that he got the information about the flood through his colleagues.

Lieutenant Ugyen Phuntsho of the Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) said, “It was just a flash flood brought by the rain water and the tributaries in the place named Whakuna.”

He said no major damages were caused, no damages on life and properties occurred except some slides from the paddy fields.

“No damages on wildlife, trees, and plants,” he added.

The Punakha police SP Major Karma Tshering said, “The flash flood was mainly due to the continuous rainfall of around four days. Though there were no damages on life, some cash crops and paddy fields have been damaged.”

He also said that a prayer wheel has been washed away by the flood and the bridge toward Gasa was half damaged. “Otherwise there is no damage on wildlife and the forest,” he added.

While Army personnel and Desuups are helping with the clearing works, machineries have been deployed at the site to clear flood debris.

Meanwhile, in Trashiyangtse, the swollen Kholongchhu has washed away paddy fields in Bumdeling gewog, a few weeks ago. This is not the first time the farmers have lost their paddy fields to the monsoon-fed Kholongchhu.

Farmers say the only way to save their fields is to divert the river course. However, the Bumdeling Gup said there is not enough money to carry out the task. At the same time rerouting the course of the river is very challenging.



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  1. Local dieties are angry because PDP is deceiving innocent people to woo their votes.

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