The elections are almost a reckoning-day away and up-and-coming parties are on the hunt for potential candidates, in a dearth of candidates’ pool. Those with the right laurels are unavoidably hounded with big promises.
This piece of innuendo has been flashed on the political grapevine: The former Health Secretary, Dasho (Dr.) Gado Tshering, who had shown an inclination toward politics is said to have been ‘in talks’ with the ruling party and the new party, the Druk Mitser Tshogpa (DMT).
“Yes, there have been some discussions with the DPT and the DMT and that is all,” said Dasho (Dr.) Gado Tshering.
The speculations amongst people in Bji-Katsho constituency are that Dasho (Dr.) Gado Tshering joining the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) is a possibility, said a source.
Dasho (Dr.) Gado, said the prime focus will be given to the Haaps (people of Haa), “I will decide on whatever grounds they decide, like on the party that I should represent,” said Dr. Gado.
Dr. Gado said sometime in between June to August, this year he plans on having a meeting with his village folks, the elderly, and his supporters to serve the need of the hour.
A hint here perhaps meaning, that he will align himself with the party that will serve the people.
Among the two parties, Dasho (Dr.) Gado said the ruling government was doing a good job and that he was not rejecting the DPT, but, he wanted to leave it up to his people.
On whether he was being considered to replace the existing DPT representative, he said he was unaware.
“The current representative is a capable person, I cannot comment on his front but, here again the people will decide on him,” said Dasho (Dr.) Gado.
Dasho (Dr.) Gado has been a popular figure among the Haaps, from making it a point to visit the village at least four times in a year; he has been befriending, tending to their ailments, and interacting well with them.
With the rapport that he has been able to maintain with the people, they want him as their representative. “With such encouragement from the people, I will come forward,” said Dasho (Dr.) Gado.
Dasho Gado said with the education, exposure and the rank that has been bestowed upon him during his tenure in the civil service, he said it was high time he did something for the country in return.
The former health Secretary, Dasho (Dr.) Gado Tshering, had resigned from his post of Health Secretary on moral grounds. Dasho (Dr.) Gado Tshering is currently working on starting a diagnostic clinic.
Dasho Dr. Gado has the capacity and competence to represent, he will make a remarkable contribution, we wish him all the best of luck.
Do you know on what ground he had to resign from the post of Secretary few months ago. He was the main culprit behind the scam in Health Ministry. He took the full responsibility and resign on moral ground. We should not allow such people to context for election. The election commission should reject him. Its high time we get rid of corrupted people. Otherwise, who knows he might become Health Minister and again put health ministry into more trouble.
the main culprit behind MOH corruption was Dr. Dorji Wangchuk..Dasho Dr. is not at all responsible for this…
“I warned my workers not to steal tiles from hospital construction site”. This is Bhutanese equivalent to “if no bread give them cake” . Far immune from system, this will go down in the history of Bhutan as selective investigation by ACC, how some people thrive with corruption.
Peach! – Is it Peach or B****! Let the capable person do what he is meant to do. Let him serve it and spread his wisdom to the commoners especially people like you. Health Ministry is already messed up by the earlier bosses and i think it was a smart move for him to resign. Look right now, what it is going on? What kind of management structure is that? It is all channeled through East pipe line. Are you afraid that he will fix that!
Please be reminded that the person who messed up the MOH the most is Dr.Gadho, the former Secretary. I just don’t believe he is not involved in all the health scams that have occured under his leadership.
Bullet, I think you don’t know the meaning of word capable. Please refer dictionary . If he is capable why he has to resign on moral ground? What wisdom do you see in him
Since you brought up the term East, I’d like to add that eastern people rule Bhutan whether you like it or not. The western orthodox in the past exploited eastern humbleness and complacency but no more. Dr. Gado is not a coward but an extremely corrupt person. I’m sorry but he spoiled the ministry of health.
##!!## Gado ..
##!!## corrupt… i ain’t giving rat ass to that !!#### …
He will make the people of his constituency suffer like anything, it’s better such a man without core principle be left into himself.
He he he he…. I am little bamboozled with the way things are taking shape at the moment in Bhutanese politics.
As far as I know about Dasho or Dr….(whatever) Gado is one person who resigned from his former post on moral grounds. meaning, he resigned because he lacked the competency and failed in serving as a Health secretary. Lot of corruption has taken place right under his nose. For me he is simply a failure…….
and now he is eyeing to join Politics. What more credentials does he have to prove that he will do better in Politics ?
I am afraid to see such hole diggers coming back…….
I don’t support a person who resigned on moral ground. When he failed as a health secretary the reason on which he resigned taking as moral responsibility, he is not at all a capable candidate.
It is great to hear such news but but, amongst the dearth of candidates, his interest has been hyped, Even if he does part in the democracy, his presence would hardly make any difference, being clubbed as a haap makes his case worse..A bunch of haaps cant dream of ruling a country..
I wish him luck, before joining politics, he should clear away with his previous ministry issues of corruption of which he is the big fish yet to be caught
He was a man without principle in his long civil service career (Bhutan’s Judas Iscariot: if he can betray Lyonpo Sangay, he can betray anyone; remember the corruption in health ministry; his private construction); and now as a potential politician, he seems to have no ideology or principles of hos own, but rather wants his people to give him one. Oh, how promiscuous? God save Bhutan! But Bhutan is no Bihar. I think we have no place for Laloo.
For me Dr.Gado wont get votes from Haaps. Haaps know the what type of person he is. He gives only sweet words in front of you or any one else.But to the needy people he cant afford to help them forget of ordinary peoples he even ignores his poor relatives.He he is not acpable to be Secetary now he is planning to become Minister. Election comission should better stop him in contesting him as Mp until the Healt Ministry Corruption are cleaned up. If it is not stopped then the present secetaries might follow his routes.
And now he is showered with BG gift, the Prado. Nima wangdi has no duty gari. Haha…resource constraint is a national joke for some.
no wonder y PM went to Haa, one time gado is involved in corruption and DPT knows other time they want him… this politics is like a rainbow need only after rain.
Despite all this comments, i dont think the authorities are willing to even pay attention to this. Mr. Gado, a corrupt man by himself.
I appeal to all parties to choose ur candidates wisely, definitely not a corrupt and profane person like him..
ACC reminder- he is on the loose, before things worsen, get him confiscated soon!
I don’t believe that he is a corrupt man unless proven. We have laws in place to take care when things go wrong. It will be irony to the ACC, then. We are also contradicting the trust and his capabilities bestowed on him from the Throne.
I wish him best.
we do not need to justify there is unseen law seen everyday and our all words and actions are being counted in second, hours and day. truth is like sun cannot wrapped with piece of cloth. Time will decide everything
He never deserve our votes. A corrupt guy will corrupt the members of the party where he gets in…Don’t let him join any of the party….
there are lot of politicians like Dr. Gado. We Bhutaese should be aware of such people and careful while voting.
if Dr. Gado is such credible man one of the contributing factors in the service of nation building the when he is willing to contest for 2013 why so many people has to voice negatively against this great man is the unanswered question needed answer!!!!