Four upcoming industrial parks to create jobs and strengthen the economy

The country’s four upcoming major industrial parks- Jigmeling Industrial Park in Sarpang, Dhamdum Industrial Park in Samtse, Motanga Industrial Park in Samdrupjongkhar, and Bondeyma Industrial Park in Monggar are all expected to be complete within the 12th FYP, whereby the investors will develop and invest in business ventures once the plot allocations are made.

According to the minister for economic affairs, Lekey Dorji, said that once the industrial parks are complete, the spaces within the parks are to be occupied by several factories, which is expected to create thousands of employment opportunities. “It will diversify our economy and increase the percentage of GDP due to industries. The industrial parks will house three broad categories of industries, which are chemical/mineral based, forest/wood based and agro and food based.  There will be employment opportunities for our youths who have graduated from high schools, vocational training institutes, and colleges,” said Lyonpo Lekey Dorji.

With the establishment of the industrial parks, the livelihood of the local community is also expected to be enhanced, as the locals will get the opportunity to provide housing to the people working in the industries, start commercially viable businesses, like sale of vegetables and other food items. There are parks that will have both FDI and domestic companies. Since these industrial parks are situated in the border areas, the export to India and beyond is expected to increase, therefore, reducing the country’s trade deficit and current account, according to the economic affairs minister.

Jigmeling Industrial Park

Jigmeling Industrial Park in Sarpang has an area of 756 acres. With a total budget allocation of Nu 197.77 mn during the 11th FYP, Nu 163.118 mn has been mobilized so far. However, the government received Nu 226.50 mn as grant from the Government of India. “As of now, internal roads, a three-storied office building, two landfills, one for hazardous and the other for non-hazardous waste, boundary walls, and 90 percent of the works on water supply has been completed,” said Lyonpo Lekey Dorji.

The minister gave an update that 75 percent of the two-storied building with eight units for staff is completed, and tendering process on the upcoming works and allotment of plots have been initiated.

Motanga Industrial Park

Motanga Industrial Park in Samdrupjongkhar has an area of 156 acres. It is the only park that is fully funded by Bhutanese government. During the 11th FYP, a total budget of Nu 100 mn was allotted for the park, and the operational cost at the moment stands exactly at Nu 100 mn. “The Motanga Industrial Park is progressing at par with the other three projects, and it has already been proposed to complete all the development activities in the 12th FYP,” said Lyonpo Lekey.

As of now, construction of internal roads, water supply and boundary walls have been completed and construction of a three-storied office building comprising of 8 units is underway. “So far more than 25 plots have been allotted for establishment of industries and some industry like, the ferrosilicon for example is already operational,” said the Lyonpo Lekey Dorji.

Bondeyma Industrial Park

Bondeyma Industrial Park in Mongar has an area of 110 acres. A total budget of Nu 197.77 mn has been allocated during the 11th FYP and Nu 166.027 million has been mobilized so far. A total of Nu 99.218 mn has been secured from the Government of India. Access to road leading to the park, construction of 39m span RCC Double Lane Bridge, a three-storied office building comprising of 8 units, water supply, and water distribution network have been completed. The ongoing works includes construction of the roads works and construction of a three-storied staff quarter comprising of 8 units.

Dhamdum Industrial Park

Dhamdum Industrial Park in Samtse has an area of 349 acres. A total of Nu 300 mn was allocated for the Damdhum Industrial Park, and so far, the expenses exceeded the allocated budget of Nu 305.230 mn. The Government of India provided a total Nu 135.046 mn to fund the project. A few stretches of internal roads, a three-storied office building, RCC river training works, boundary walls in Pocket A, backfilling behind RCC walls and reclamation of land along the river has been completed. The construction of staff quarters, and water supply works are underway. However, the allotment of plots has been initiated,” said the economic affairs minister.

However, an official from the MoEA said that the challenges are shortage of experienced engineers, and prolonged recruitment process of HR staff. “Some contractors do not complete the work on time, and some contractors are not fielding competent engineers,” said the official.

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