Fourth party promises top woman leader, symbol to be finalized today

The fourth party, whose cadre include former dzongdas, judges, armymen, senior civil servants and ex-councilors, is meeting today to finalize whether it would be called Bhutan National Party or Druk Mister Thogpa. Members will also revisit the manifesto, symbol and possible candidates for the 2013 general elections.

The spokesperson said party will give high priority to women representation. “We would like to have a woman president if not at least a vice president,” he said.

But the party will not formalize itself until Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) finishes its investigation on high-profile cases where present ministers and top officials are named.

“It has to be proven that those named in cases are guilty or not,” said the spokesperson who did not want to be named at this point.

“We request ACC to investigate these pending cases fast because we would like to invite some of them and in fact ask some to lead the party as president,” he said.

He said the people who the party approached couldn’t be named.

Today’s meeting of the executive committee will also finalize the party’s charter. It will discuss the criteria for potential candidates set which would require on identifying potential candidates. One major discussion point will be on national service for the youth.

On candidates, the spokesperson told The Bhutanese that more importance will be given to the candidate in terms of his/her popularity with his constituency. A candidate has to sustain on his own, everything cannot be provided from the centre.

The executive members will discuss a few names which are already been presented, the names will be analyzed and graded.

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