Gewog Plans for 11th FYP but may have to cut out few development works
After successful completion of all the 10th Five Year Plan (FYP) development activities, Dekidling is poised to complete their plans for the 11th Plan.
The Gewog Gup Gomchen said that for 11th FYP they have chosen the priorities according to the limited budget.
“Some of the major projects would be construction of new road in Nobgang Chhiwog,” he said.
At the moment the Nobgang community has to walk for about two kms which is most troublesome especially during the monsoons. In addition the gewog would maintain the three kilometer road from Mendrelgang to Domgang.
“The road is prone to landslide and risk prone for travelers,” he added.
The Gup said the proposal for Nu 340mn project would be put up in Dzongkhag Yargay Tshogde meeting.
Providing water facilities to all the household is another priority for the gewog. Therefore in the 11th FYP they have proposed to construct three water facilities.
With an increase in gewog population the existing 10 water sources was not sufficient so the gewog had put up a proposal for three more water sources.
However providing electricity facilities to every chiwog was put on hold for now taking into account the escalation from the estimated budget, said the Gup.
(Thinley Wangmo)
Gewog Plans for 11th FYP but may have to cut out few development works
After successful completion of all the 10th Five Year Plan (FYP) development activities, Dekidling is poised to complete their plans for the 11th Plan.
The Gewog Gup Gomchen said that for 11th FYP they have chosen the priorities according to the limited budget.
“Some of the major projects would be construction of new road in Nobgang Chhiwog,” he said.
At the moment the Nobgang community has to walk for about two kms which is most troublesome especially during the monsoons. In addition the gewog would maintain the three kilometer road from Mendrelgang to Domgang.
“The road is prone to landslide and risk prone for travelers,” he added.
The Gup said the proposal for Nu 340mn project would be put up in Dzongkhag Yargay Tshogde meeting.
Providing water facilities to all the household is another priority for the gewog. Therefore in the 11th FYP they have proposed to construct three water facilities.
With an increase in gewog population the existing 10 water sources was not sufficient so the gewog had put up a proposal for three more water sources.
However providing electricity facilities to every chiwog was put on hold for now taking into account the escalation from the estimated budget, said the Gup.
(Thinley Wangmo)
Durung farm road maintenance works
After almost five days the maintenance works of a nine kilometers farm road of Durung chiwog under Yangneer gewog concludes today.
The farm road was severely damaged due to heavy rain in different areas.
As soon as the rain stopped the work, the Dzongkhag Engineer along with other workers and excavators started with the work.
The continuous heavy rainfall caused severe damages and made it difficult for people as well as for the vehicles that traveled toward Trashigang.
The Gewog Administration Officer (GAO) Thukten Tashi said some even had to visit hospital. Moreover, people had to walk almost an hour toward Gongthung area, where there is a feeder road connection toward Trashigang.
Durung chiwog is about 13 kms away from the gewog center and the chiwog has 32 households.
(Tashi Deki)