From Gewogs and Dzongkhags

Remote village gets its farm road

Batsha village under Karna gewog finally get their farm road this year. Earlier the local people in Batsha had to walk for more than eight hours which is needless to say a big cause for inconveniences.

The budget allocated for the construction of the road was more than Nu 2.8mn. “This development work was in the 10th Five Year Plan, and we could finally complete it,” Gup Lhawang Dorji said.

The road would take off from Dagapela till Batsha which would be around 36 kms.

The 11km road was constructed by some private firms, so the gewog is left with 25km road construction only. The actual road would take off from Tashithang.

(Thinley Wangmo)


Villagers complete maintenance of water sources

Around five water sources were renovated by Doongna villagers under Chhukha Dzongkhag. The work commenced in June and ended last month.

The gewog’s Gup Lam Dorji said the water sources installed in the year 2000 was in a poor condition.

He said that this time with the help of Dzongkhag engineers the new water sources is constructed where the spring waters are perennial so that there will not be any water shortage during winter seasons.

Some of the new water sources are in Chuguto and Phang- gu, Wangdiling. The Gup said that most of the sources are 3 kms far from the villages.

“This would help to curb some inconveniences and maintain the sources time to time,” he added.

The gewog has 150 households at the moment.

(Tashi Deki)


Convicted for three years for possession of multiple products

The Thimphu district court sentenced a 24 year old woman to three years imprisonment on 5 October, for possession of multiple tobacco products in the capital.

A source from the court said that the convict has appealed to high court.

The convict was arrested from her shop in Thimphu on 2 August from where 150 sticks of cigarettes (Wills Navy cut), 125 sticks of Biri and 150 grams of chewing tobacco were seized by the inspection team which included officials from the department of trade, police and the Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA) officials.

The case was forwarded to the Thimphu district court on 16 August.

The shop was inspected after a formal complaint was filed with the BNCA by one of the school authorities in Thimphu who reported that the shop was selling tobacco products to students.

The suspect is a graduate and is from Sarpang dzongkhag.

(Chencho Dema)

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