Forest fire rages on with 200 battling it out
Yesterday morning, a fire broke out at Mitsina under Bap gewog and spread to Talo gewog. Two hundred people comprising dzongkhag authorities, police, monks and villagers prevented the fire from spreading further though volunteers are still fighting the inferno. “The fire started from a field when a villager was burning debris but even Desuups and Puna Tsang chu workers came forward to help,” said the Gewog Administration Officer (GAO), Tshewang Dorji, “The wind is making it worse.” According to the GAO, this is the first forest fire in the gewog this year but fortunately, no casualties have been reported. (Dawa Zangmo)
Lingzhi gets seven bridges under SDP
Lingzhi community is constructing seven new bridges funded by small development project under the Indian government.The works commenced last week and will end in a fortnight.“We have to complete the work as soon as possible since the rivers swell up in monsoon” said Lingzhi gup, Wangdi.He added that after spring, people will be engaged in collecting cordyceps and a shortage of labor might be encountered. Bridges once constructed by the department of disaster and management were washed away in 2008. Each bridge costing more than Nu 0.2 mn will serve as a mule track, too.(Thinley Wangmo)