From the Gewogs and Towns

Farm road works to start soon

For the year 2012 to 2013, the construction for a one km farm road is all set to begin at Nyisho gewog in.

“This farm road is expected to boost the lives of the villagers who have a good opportunity and the potential to sell potatoes in the month of March and each household grows at least one acre land of potato,” said Nyisho Gup Tshering

This is where the farm road comes in.

People have to walk one hour from the nearest road point which often creates a lot of difficulties especially during the monsoons.

The construction of the road will be either awarded through tender notifications or on voluntary labor as per the budget allocation. Nyisho gewog has five chiwogs with approximately 341 households comprising 2689 population.

(Dawa Zangmo)

Gewog anticipates good karma with initiation of RWSS

The Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) works to supply drinking water for the villages has formally begun in Karmaling gewog from August 23.

RWSS was supported by the government with Nu 1mn and it will benefit more than 80 households in Karmaling.

According to the gup Gyan Bdr.Subba, the gewog has been suffered from acute shortage of drinking especially during winter and has caused numerous inconveniences to the farmers.

He said such government support has been greatly embraced by the people and the farmers are very happy about it.

The RWSS included in 10 FYF would solve many problems for the farmers and facilitate timely plantation of paddy which many a times was stalled.

The manual works is supported by the farmers and the survey was conducted by engineers and gups.

(Tanden Zangmo)


Campaign cleans SJ, highway to Town

Yesterday three units from Jigme Namgyel Polytechnic (JNP) in Dewathang and volunteers from the college and Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative conducted a cleaning campaign in Dewathang to create awareness among the people.

The Scout and waste disposal club also collaborated to initiate the program.

A four hour cleaning campaign which started from JNP campus covered all the area till the highway of Dewathang town.

“We could collect around four tractor’s load of waste from the area and Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde would be taking responsible to dump the waste in proper area,” he said.

Most of the wastes were non-degradable and it includes bottles and packets of noodles.

However the community plans to conduct such similar programs in the future where they would clean the Samdrup Jongkhar-Dewathang highway and even cover Samdrup Jongkhar town.

(Thinley Wangmo)

Annual ritual concludes today

Every 13th day in August, the gewog conducts a ‘Rimdro’ which lasts for 10 days.

This year too, the gewog conducted Rimdro for first three days and on the fourth night, performed ‘hawla’, (local term in every house where saw dust is sprinkled over the burning bamboo sticks to make a volume of fire).

In addition ‘Gaytey’ was also performed where gravels are thrown in and around the houses mainly to drive away evil spirits and energy.

The remaining days were spent for ‘Choekhor’ where people carry the holy books and recite them in each and every household.

It is an age old tradition of the village and is always conducted for 10 days on a yearly basis. These rituals lasted for months in the past and only presently it has come down to 10 days.

The annual Rimdro concludes today.

 (Tashi Deki)

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