In a press release issued by the Cabinet the government has decided to handover the BHEL-BVT case to the Anti Corruption Commission.
The release says, “The Royal Government has requested the ACC to undertake an investigation on allegations of corruption on the appointment of Bhutan Venture’s Trading as an agent for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.”
The case first came to light in an Indian Journal in September 2014 when it published what was a signed letter from BVT to BHEL highlighting a 1.5% commission deal on the supply for the electro mechanical parts of Punatsangchu II and Mangdechu by BHEL. The commission comes to around Nu 240 mn.
BHEL had been given the Nu 16 bn contracts for the two projects on a nomination basis by the Punatsangchu Hydroelectric Project Authority and the Mangdechu Hydroelectric Project Authority.