Breaking News: Gyelpozhing Accused found guilty

The Mongar district court found the Speaker and Home Minister guilty of charges labeled against them by ACC. The Speaker was sentenced to a two and a half year term and the Home Minister was sentenced to a one year term.

Since the ACC had filed criminal charges against both the verdict now puts into question the Speaker and Home Minister’s participation in the 2013 Electoral race. This is because the Election Act debars any candidates with  criminal charges from taking part in elections.

Both the sentences are bailable as any sentence below three years is bailable as per the penal code.

Dechen Singye was also found guilty and sentenced to one year. Out of 18 committee members 14 were convicted for a year for not carrying out their duty with due diligence. Two were acquitted and two were out of country.

The Speaker and Home Minister were both found guilty of having allotted plots illegally. Lyonpo Minjur was charged for official misconduct.

Speakers allotted plots to 23 individuals illegally including the one made to his maid. Allotments made by Lyonpo Minjur to Kuenzang Dema and two plots given to the Dratshang have to be returned to the government.

The accused have 10 days to appeal to the High Court.

Hearings for those who had taken illegal plots will be done separately.

Chencho Dema / Mongar

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  1. It is “Gyalposhing District Court” or over excited by seeing them convict and forgot the name of the Court?? 

  2. Both of them cant contest the election as per the election act unless ruled in their favour in appeal! Section 179 is very clear on this!

  3. what about the other guys who got plots….????

  4. Good for DPT coz two more minister posts are created

  5. Where is Gyalposhing Court? It is good that Tenzin Goodpath succeeded in his vested aims to discredit DPT and It is also good that judiciary into media pressure and reached into hasty decision.

    It is also good that atleast powerful are felled..


    Very less sentence. When other people commit forgery, corruption like in bank, moe, they r sentenced to lavish sentence. I think judgement wasnt good. Wat about those who received lands they should he also prosecuted. As giving and taking corruption should be considered illegal. This is bad precedence to play around with law. What happened to pm, others who were govt officials knew about it and still accepted land plot. 

    I lost faith in judicial system of gnh country. It is like in order to save other vvips this two vips were sacrficed. Looks like negotiable sentence.


    When a person is caught buying or selling tobacco it is sentenced to lavish sentence by court but people who r guardian of our country like pm, speaker, ministers break H.Ms kashos wnd indulge in forgery, fraud they r sentenced to bailabe sentence. When low office in moe, banks are caught in embezzlement, forgery, they r sentenced to over excitement sentence. 

    I think our country is now clearlt visible divided into 2 caste rich/powerful n poor, i wont be surprise if something unheard of happens in our country where poor people will take justice in their own hands.

  8. Yes, crimal has to be punished. we are happy to know that, criminal is caught after ages. he has to be punished harshly.