His Majesty appoints Tshering Wangchuk as Chief Justice of Bhutan

His Majesty The King appointed Dasho Tshering Wangchuk as the new Chief Justice of Bhutan, in accordance to Section 4 of Article 21 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, which states that: “The Chief Justice of Bhutan shall be appointed from among the Drangpons of the Supreme Court or from among eminent jurists by the Druk Gyalpo, by warrant under His hand and seal in consultation with the National Judicial Commission.”

His Majesty also conferred the orange scarf to Dasho Tshering Wangchuk in recognition of his sacred responsibility as Chief Justice in the service of the nation.

Thrimchi Lyonpo Tshering Wangchuk was serving as a Drangpon of the Supreme Court prior to his appointment as Chief Justice. He began his career as a trainee officer at the High Court in 1987, and served as Judicial Officer, Senior Section Officer of the Criminal Section in the High Court, Samdrupjongkhar Drangpon and Justice of the High Court during his service with the Judiciary of Bhutan.

He was awarded the Coronation Gold Medal in 2008, and the red scarf in December 2013 by His Majesty The King.

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One comment

  1. We want Lyanpo. TSHERING WANGCHUK should begiven opportunity to serve another 5 years as CJ coz of following reason.
    1. Firstly he is approachable for all the citizens.
    2. He justify correctly.
    3. He maintain equal justice.
    4. Respect Tsa-wa:TSA-wa:- sum.
    5.N moreover he can served another 10 years coz he attended only 55 years . There is lot more he have to do in judiciary.
    6.Easy to understand what he brief to the public.
    7.He hard working n faithful CJ we gave found as of today.
    Therefore we humbly pray Your Majesty to bestow upon him n grant him to serve another 5 years as CJ.

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