His Majesty The King granted an Audience to the Prime Minister, Speaker, and cabinet ministers on 16th February 2024.
His Majesty The King with the Prime Minister, Lyonchen Dasho Tshering Tobgay, and (front, L-R) Lyonpo Tandin Wangchuk, Minister of Health; Lyonpo Tshering, Minister of Home Affairs; Tshogpoen Lungten Dorji; Lyonpo Gem Tshering, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources; Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, Minister of Finance.
(back, L-R) Lyonpo Namgyal Dorji, Minister of Industry; Commerce and Employment, Lyonpo Chandra Gurung, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport; Lyonpo Dimple Thapa, Minister of Education and Skills Development; Lyonpo D N Dhungyel, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade; Lyonpo Younten Phuntsho, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock