His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo’s Coronation Address in 1974

Two years ago when my father passed away, all the Dratshangs (Monk Body), officials and you, my people, placing your trust in me made me King. During the short while that I have been on the throne, I have not been able to render any great service to our country. However, I offer my pledge today that I shall endeavor to serve our beloved country and people with fidelity and to the best of my ability.

From year to year Bhutan is receiving increasing financial and technical assistance from many countries: among them we have received the greatest assistance from our good friend India.

Although the process of socio-economic development was initiated in our country only a few years ago, we have achieved tremendous progress within a short span of time. In spite of this progress, our present internal revenues cannot meet even a fraction of our Government expenditure. Therefore, the most important task before us at present is to achieve economic self-reliance to ensure the continued progress of our country in the future.

Bhutan having a small population, abundant land and rich natural resources, sound planning on our part will enable us to realize our aim of economic self-reliance in the near future.

As far as you, my people are concerned, you should not adopt the attitude that whatever is required to be done for your welfare will be done entirely by the Government. On the contrary of little effort on your part will be much more effective than a great deal of effort on the part of the Government. If the Government and people can join hands and work together with determination, our people will achieve prosperity and our nation will become strong and stable.

In olden times, when our country was passing through a critical period and our people were suffering greatly due to civil wars and internal strife, Ugyen Wangchuck was unanimously elected as the first hereditary King of Bhutan on 17th December 1907, ushering in a period of great peace and happiness of Bhutan.

The fact that our country continues to enjoy peace and stability is due to the blessings of our Deities and the great loyalty and devotion shown by the Dratshangs, officials, and people to our kingdom.

The only message I have to convey to you to-day, my people, is that if everyone of us considering ourselves Bhutanese can think and act as one, and if we have faith in The triple Gem, our glorious kingdom of Bhutan will grow from strength to strength and certainly achieve prosperity, peace and happiness.

Today we are extremely happy to have with us representatives of friendly countries and other guests to participate in our celebrations. To you, my people and all guests, I offer my Tashi Delek!

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