His Majesty The King surveys the Gyalsung construction site at Jamtsholing, Samtse. (Photo Courtesy: His Majesty’s Facebook page)

His Majesty The King returns after Royal Tour from southern dzongkhags

His Majesty The King arrived in Thimphu on 1st December 2020 after completing a Royal Tour of the southern dzongkhags. His Majesty and the entire Royal entourage entered a 7-day facility quarantine in Thimphu, in accordance with COVID-19 protocol following travel to high-risk areas. During the Tour, His Majesty visited Phuentsholing, Samtse, and Gelephu.

His Majesty The King granted Audience to the Sarpang COVID-19 Task Force in Gelephu this morning. The task force submitted updates on the situation in Gelephu, and received guidance on the way forward as the dzongkhag prepares to address challenges related to COVID-19 during the coming winter months.

While in Gelephu, His Majesty also granted Audiences to the trainees attending the 43rd Batch (Specialised) Desuung Integrated Training Programme in Pelrithang and in Jigmeling.

While in Samtse from 29th November, His Majesty granted Audience to the Samtse COVID-19 Task Force and to the 43rd Batch DeSuups training in Tendruk and Tashicholing. His Majesty also visited the Gyalsung construction site in Jamtsholing.

His Majesty arrived in Phuentsholing on 27 November, after visiting Tashigatshel Training Centre in Chukha along the way. At Tashigatshel, His Majesty granted Audience to the 43rd Batch DeSuups being trained there. There are 1,500 Desuups being trained for the 43rd Batch at 6 different centres, taking the number of Desuups in the country to over 18,300.

His Majesty also granted Audience to the Southern COVID-19 Task Force in Phuentsholing.

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