iMerit launched at TechPark

iMerit is an exclusive for-profit social enterprise to build the digital livelihoods for the future while affecting positive social and economic change.

TechPark launched iMerit in Bhutan to provides tech-enabled data services for applications in areas like machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, e-commerce and Fintech.

iMerit’s global client list includes top online retailers, computer vision startups and innovators in financial services and healthcare. Application areas for the data work done by iMerit include autonomous vehicles, satellites imagery, medical research, natural language recognition, e-commerce and financial technology.

iMerit is supported by US-based sales, marketing and technology executives as well as solution architects.

Today, the company employs over 2,500 people globally with over 50 percent being women and over 8 percent coming from low income families.

The Labour Minister Lyonpo Ugyen Dorji said, ‘’I am pleased to witness the growth of iMerit in a short time frame, and I hope that they will continue to develop the talent pool in Bhutan. Our government is keen to promote good careers in technology, and we are here to help and support iMerit’s vision.’’

iMerit works with customers to enrich and label their data, and to achieve the best results from their algorithms. iMerit’s work powers advanced algorithms in machine learning, computer vision, natural transformative understanding, e-commerce, argumented reality and data analytics.

The company drives social and economic change by tapping into an under-resourced talent pool and creating digital inclusion.

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