According to the National Human Resources Development (HRD) Advisory Series, job creation in the Private sector has been on the rise as compared to government, public corporations and non-governmental organizations.
Therefore the Labor Ministry is developing the 11th Five Year Human Resources Development (HRD) Master Plan for private sectors and all the training programs for the private sectors will be identified in the 11th Five year HRD Master Plan.
In 2011, there were about 7,000 vacancies available, of which 3,964 vacancies were announced by the private sector. The demand for labor in HRD advisory series portrays the sharp rise in the vacancy for private sectors.
Earlier in 2003 there were only 96 vacancies from private sector against more than 1500 vacancies announced.
The vacancies announced were for those holding master’s degree, technical, general, diploma, class XII, certificates, below class X and illiterate as well.
The advisory series states that approximately 3,500 graduates with technical and general degree will be entering the labor market annually with effect from 2012.
Currently around 500 jobs are created in the civil sector and this number will gradually decrease each year. Therefore private sector will be the main sector for employment.
Thus, working conditions in terms of occupational health and safety, social security, HRD and others needs to be improved in this sector.
“Most of the training programs conducted by the labor ministry are intended to improve the human resources in the private sector,” said the Labor Secretary Dasho Pema Wangda.
He said there are labor and Employment Act 2007 and several regulations in place to improve the working conditions in this sector.
And recently around 90 employees from private sector were trained to develop the human resources in the private sector.
The training was conducted on Human Resources Development Planning and Identifying Human Resources Gap for private sector employees.
Its objective was to help private sectors in carrying out their HRD planning and identifying HRD gap in their organization.
Henceforth, this would address the human resources gap in the private sectors with appropriate human resource development policies, plans and programs.
More than 21,000 job seekers will enter the labor market annually and private sector will be the main sector to employ the jobseekers.
The NHRD advisory series states that approximately 122,000 jobs will have to be created in the economy during the 11th FYP.
The projections of jobs to be created in the 11th FYP for tourism sector in 2013 are the highest with more than 6,000 jobs. While agriculture sectors is the next option with more than 5,000 jobs.
Some of the major sectors that would create jobs are hydro power constructions, construction, culture and ICT sectors.
Meanwhile the advisory series states that if the current supply of graduates with business administration, commerce, general, BCA and IT continues, there could be a large pool of unemployed graduates.
Even today most of IT and BCA students are unable to find jobs and few are there who have been left unemployed for more than three years.
Therefore the advisory series suggested the Department of Adult and Higher Education and the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) to review the enrollment of students in colleges both within and outside the country, mainly to avoid unemployment and under utilization of human resources.
The Labor Force survey 2011 indicated that female participation in labor force has steadily increased over the years. Their participation is more than 55% in agriculture, manufacturing and trading sector, which require more effort and less capital.
Therefore the advisory series states or recommends to have planned HRD intervention and as far as possible cater the domestic HRD requirements and needs.
Labor ministry is also framing National and operational health and safety (OHS) policy and it will be regulated by the 11th Five Year Plan.
Before it gets into implementation the labor ministry is gearing up to set OHS committee at the entrepreneur level.
For that they have sent 20 participants from different manufacturing industries and one official from Department of Labor (DoL) under labor ministry as coordinator to train them on OHS.
Labor Minister Dorji Wangdi in his earlier interview said this training will make those 20 participants the focal persons of OHS and make the working environment safe and harmonious.