Improving Human Resources in Private sectors

After the launch of its National Human Resources Development (NHRD) Advisory Series, the Labor Ministry (MoLHR) is now developing human resources in the private sector.

According to the NHRD advisory series there are around 500 jobs created in the civil sector, which will gradually decrease each year.  The main sector for employment will be the private sector. Therefore working conditions in terms of occupational health and safety, social security, Human resources development and others needs to be improved in this sector.

Around 90 participants from private sectors are attending the Human Resources Development Training. It is conducted by the Department of Human Resources (DHR) under the Labor Ministry in collaboration with Bhutan School of Management Technology (BSMT).

The training is conducted on Human Resources Development Planning and Identifying Human Resources Gap for private sector employees.

Its objective is to help private sectors in carrying out their HRD planning and identifying HRD gap in their organization.

The training would henceforth address the human resources gap in the private sectors with appropriate human resource development policies, plans and programs.

According to NHRD advisory series, the vacancy distribution recorded by the Department of Employment, job creation in the private sector has been increasing.

In 2003, the vacancy distribution recorded for private sector was 96 and gradually increased to 3,964 in 2011. While the vacancy recorded for other sectors declined gradually.

Therefore, giving due importance to the private sectors, DHR official Jit Bdr Bhandari said the program was organized by Labor ministry from 2003 and is conducted annually.

“The training mainly includes group works, discussion and presentation by the Resource person,” said Jit Bdr Bhandari.

The MoLHR conducts three to five programs for the private sector employees annually depending on the availability of budget. The current training is funded by Government of India (GoI).

The trainings are also for corporations but most of the organizations fail to cooperate with the ministry.

Currently the ministry is developing the 11th Five Year HRD Master Plan for private sectors.All the required training programs for the private sectors would be identified and implemented accordingly.

Though the program is for human resource officers, the labor official found that most of the participants were not from HR section. However, the limitations in human resources in the private sectors would be identified and compiled after the program gets over.

The training program started on 7 January and will end on the 25th.

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