Incumbent wins from Bumthang

Bumthang has voted in favour of its incumbent NC member, Nima, from Gamling, Tang gewog. He secured 3,513 votes (2,551 EVM votes and 962 Postal Ballot votes).  Kencho Tshering was able to draw in 2,419 votes.

Nima said that people of the four gewogs in Bumthang have entrusted him with the privilege of serving as their representative in the National Council. “I think people believe me, my experience of working in NC for five years. Likewise, I know how NC functions and I don’t have to learn the trade from the scratch, so people chose me,” said Nima.

He said that it is important for NC to have people with experience, people who can listen to the issues of the constituents and also focus on national security and sovereignty. “Nation’s security, people’s well being, promoting peace and harmonious society, are my priorities,” he said.

He pointed out that people have become matured, in terms of understanding democracy, and their rights to elect their representatives to represent them well. “I was part of passing some 12 major policies, 29 Bills and 12 conventions/treaties,” said Nima, “Now, we just need to pick up from where we left,” he added.

Further, he mentioned that he learned many things, in terms of policy making, concerning various issues of national importance. “With whatever experience I have gained by serving in the NC from five years. And now, I hope to contribute and complete the important tasks that could not be completed in my first term, owing to the lack of time,” he said.

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