
Once upon a time in Europe there lived a group of white people with white Kingdoms. They were all Christians but they were also these slightly different white people who were called Jews. The Jews served a useful purpose to be the fall guys for anything that went wrong.

The Jews were persecuted and held responsible for anything from natural disasters, to plagues to defeat in wars. These white Christians really took matters too far during WWII when they massacred 6 million Jews. After the war guilt finally overtook these white Europeans. They came up with a brilliant solution to get rid of the remaining Jews from Europe and give them a homeland.

The solution was Palestine based on their fictional holy book that they used in the first place to persecute Jews. The problem was that Palestine already had an ancient people called the Palestinians. However, these were brown guys and so their lives were of less value than Jews.

So, through a process of allowing active migration and white guys turning a blind eye to illegal migration the numbers of Jews went up. The next thing Jews did to secure more rights from the white guys and clear out the brown guys was to resort to terrorism attacking brown civilians.

The Jews drove out the Palestinians from their homes, fields and towns. They then went about creating Israel.

The brown neighbours of the Palestinians who shared the same faith and ethnicity to an extent would not stand for it. However, the USA in the process of losing the Vietnam war and looking for an anti-communist ally in the Middle East spotted a winner in Israel. It was love at first sight.

Israel with US support held off attacks by the brown neighbours. From a group of illegal migrants and terrorists they turned into a respectable state. Israel also started influencing domestic politics in USA.

USA was a country founded on the values of the Judaeo-Christian values in reference to the Old Testament similarities from the fictional book between the Jewish and Christian faiths.

One of the tenants of this Judaeo-Christian faith is the recognition that the Old Testament God gave Jerusalem to the Jews. This takes care of religious Christians. Add to this a very active and effective Jewish lobby in terms of votes and funds. Israel became like a US state.

Europeans who are less religious than Americans are driven more by guilt and this holds especially true for the real power in the EU – Germany. Israelis are like the cousins of Europeans they feel guilty about treating badly  and hence the blind support.

Give peace a chance.
Yitzhak Rabin

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