Just visiting constituency, not wooing voters

 Members of parliament (MPs) have started visits to their respective constituencies strictly in the name of ‘regular visits’ and not to woo the general electorate which gains ever the more prominence as the stage is set for 2013.

Most of the MPs said it was their last visit to their constituencies and their sole purpose was to meet the voters to inform them about the elections and developments in parliament.

Dewathang-Gomdar MP Ugyen Dorji who was in his constituency for more than a month last October said it was just a regular visit to see the development activities going around.

“My visit was not to woo the voters and we are not allowed to do so. Every year twice a year I make a visit to my constituency and when there are VIPs visiting my constituency, I visit thrice but it has got nothing to do with wooing the voters,” the MP explained.

“If I have the support of my people then in 2013, I will stand from my constituency,” he said. MP Ugyen Dorji intends to visit his constituency again.

Pemagatshel Nganglam MP Choida Jamtsho who is still in his constituency said he visited his constituency to check on the works which were completed earlier. He said rumors of his visit to woo voters were false.

“My people are happy with the developments and if I have their support than I might stand for the 2013 election,” he said.

“I went to visit my constituency to tell the people about the Ninth Parliamentary session’s resolutions but not to campaign and moreover we are not allowed,” MP Ugyen Wangdi of Dremitse-Ngatshang constituency of Monggar said.

MP Ugyen Wangdi said his return in 2013 will depend on the party members and the constituency people.

Trashiyangtse MP Dupthob said “My main objective is to have contacts with the local leaders, listen to the people and inform about events at the national level”.


 Chencho Dema

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  1. What about OL’s visit around the country. He is not executive body.

    • I dont see that this paper excluded OL, it clear mentions MPs( OL is included). Just impossible to mention every name…be broad.

  2. why has this paper left out Tshering Tobgay who was reported by the BBS to be also in his constituency

  3. there is thing new as all the mps are making rounds wooing voters in the name of constitutional visits.

  4. these MPs who are making such visit in the name of or whatever reason are actually making use of time available to them. otherwise they will have to pay on their own. These are also MPs who are not sure of their upcoming election. I am sure many will not make it this time. Many are already regretting and says they have made mistake. However only time will tell who is right.

  5. PM’s schedule:

    2008-2010 – New York/Japan
    2010-2012 – Brazil/New York
    2013- Rural Bhutan

  6. Dear Noko, I am sure you will say you love you king and country…

    When 30000 refugees who are repatriated in US and others who are repatriated in other developed countries worked against image of Bhutan and its Kings, whose responsibility was to save that image?

    Before PM started globe trotting. many foreign diplomats believed world opinion was turning against Bhutan. When PM started his globe trotting, the opinion turned in favour of Bhutan. Many leaders think that was diplomatic strategy at best.

    Because of His diplomacy, even EU feels they can work with Bhutan more politically than ever….

  7. Defox,
    Is this the job of a PM? If so then what is the role of our FM and a bunch of ambassadors? My understanding is that the PM will visit only on very important occasion like UN meeting, or upon request of some countries and not cheap visits on conferences/inaguration of new sites or structure. Sorry if i am mistaken. But I want the PM to focus on rural issues more.

  8. Dear Defox,
    Tell me the name of best guy who has proven track record of foreign diplomacy. In every UN meeting, there are always three to four sideline meetings. Even UNGA meeting, PM makes sure he speaks out about concern of meeting. How many from 193 members heads get chance to speak there?

    There are also meeting to meet press, cajole them and convince them…

    If you have better person to do that job when FM Ugyen Tshering is on leave, then i stand corrected….

    • Why so jealous about others talents? I think Bhutan and its govt. is doing fine. With regards to Bhutan’s image outside, its really true. But things are changing now and Bhutan and its citizens are getting better support and appreciations from other nations.

  9. the purpose of rushing to constituency has no purpose than to show their face, because there is every chance that their face might have forgot. Because MPs have been staying in Thimphu

  10. Your list of 16 MPs appear to be non-starters (loosers) in 2013.

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