Let soldiers do, what soldiers do, Samdrup Jongkhar NA MP

The practice of assigning orderlies to senior police and army officials was questioned by the Samdrup Jongkhar MP during the Question and Answer session in the NA.

MP Ugyen Dorji’s question was directed to the minister for home and cultural affairs, Lyonpo Minjur Dorji. He said the whole system of Orderly should be removed and compensation in terms of allowance could be given to the officers.

MP Ugyen Dorji said with limited military force, reserving few as orderlies makes the situation worse. “These orderlies could be sent to guard the borders if needed,” he said.

The Entitlement Act for military personnel was passed three years ago but the system has not changed when it comes to the implementation. The MP said “this question has been on the minds of most of the observers “.

Lyonpo Minjur said the home ministry cannot ‘do-away’ with the system in an ad-hoc fashion. The ministry would have to weigh the pros and cons in the system first. The minister explained that the system of orderly has been around for a long time which makes it difficult to just remove it.

“Countries like America and India have not fulfilled acts which were drafted long time back, the Act for Military was drafted in 2009 and it requires enough time to study the situation,” said Lyonpo Minjur Dorji

The orderly system in Bhutan was a  hot issue for discussion after an officer at Paro manhandled and beat up his orderly. Goongloen (Army General) Dasho Batoo Tshering  in his previous interview with The Bhutanese said, “To be honest, we are planning to get rid of the orderly system but we cannot change things overnight”.

Gasa MP Damcho Dorji said, the bill was put forward long time back and still the orderly system has not changed.

“Despite the ample time given and taken the implementation has been prolonged. It will make a bad example out of everyone involved. As such, issues need immediate action,” said the Gasa Opposition MP Damcho Dorji.

The health minister Zangley Dukpa said it would be wise not to implement things in haste and try put-to practice within a short period of time.

Lyonpo Zangley Dukpa reminded the parliamentarians not to use the word “Ata” since it sounds derogatory and makes tag-bearer look like he’s doing all kinds of manual work.

Punakha MP Tshering Penjore supported the idea of removing orderly system because many orderlies are mistreated and misused.

Stories of orderlies who are assigned to drop school-going children of the senior officers, attend to the personal appointments and schedules of the wives and do such things as beautify kitchen gardens have made newspapers and television headlines –  one time, too many!

On the contrary, an aspiring politician, Dorji said that it is difficult to pass the judgment without really knowing the true nature of the system. He said instead of doing away with the system, there should be some specific Dos and Don’ts so that there will not be a problem or misuse of personnel.

Orderlies who earlier spoke to The Bhutanese said they were not happy with their work because when they first decided to join the army, they dreamt of serving the Tsa-Wa-Sum, to guard the nation’s security and not the Dasho’s flower gardens.

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  1. The Question of the Orderly system and impact on serving armed personal’s treatment was all but history….talks and discussions made are just a time pass..

    As the military is not willing to surrender easily, showing their efficiency of handling to situation….As Charity should begin from home…So many years and nothing as yet so see how shall they react without HM….as they seem directionless and lethargic when on their own in every aspect.

  2. Just keep your fingers off from the Royal Family and the Military. Newspapers or politicians should never dare this act. This is a not acceptable. The paper should immediately remove the post.

  3. “The minister explained that the system of orderly has been around for a long time which makes it difficult to just remove it.” what joke? That is why Bhutan will never get out our old system because people like him thinks that way. If the law has been passed, why can’t they do it right away? 

  4. the military does not fall under the parliament, so it is inappropriate for the parliamentarians to be discussing the military issues. ours is a unique situation with the military directly under His Majesty.

  5. I think there is no reason why the parliaments should poke their nose in the military issues. MIlitary has their own Military act and His Majesty is the Supreme Commander and he will look into the problems..and its not for MPs to discuss..so please stay out of it…You have enough on your plates….

  6. Orderly system should be done away with sooner than later before something goes wrong. Let trained soldiers do their job. It is a sheer waste of manpower. Compensate officers. Let them look for their owner home tenders.

  7. with tshering penjore leading the charge, the dpt parliament is not happy with the mess they have created in civilian affairs. they want to expand it to military affairs too!

    If civilian and military affairs are no different, then maybe civil servants and MPs should also be made to serve along the borders on a rotation basis. Tshering Penjore can start the program at Bhantar CPS and double up as Dzongkha Lopen.

  8. its better If parliament focus on what they are suppose to do. i sincerely feel that without knowing complete function of military its not wise to disturb. little knowledge is dangerous and more over that talkative tshering penjor trying to get cheap popularity.
    military have got their own Act and law. and also direct control of HM.

  9. guys!….law is above everybody and as the highest law making body, our parliament has ALL the rights to interfere with everything that concerns bhutan and its people………our country is very unique and armed forces too can follow suit and be different from any other system around the world…..why not!!!!!!!

    • yes the law is above all. Unfortunately the brainpower and capabilities of our Law Makers, leaves a lot to be desired. So, I think I speak for many when I say that these bozos should not rush to meddle in eveything when they are still undergoing on the job training. Matters that are directly under HM should be left for now.

      In other countries, laws and regulations are simultaneously drafted so that the practicality of the law is also properly vetted before it is passed. This will ensure that all the downsides or question marks of the law are foreseen on time. In Bhutan, there is a lot of emotional outpouring in the parliament based on which some theoretical law is passed. Then some bureaucrats down the line come up with regulations that often do not match the law’s intentions. And worst of all, the actual negative impacts of the law are seen down the line when it is too late. Isn’t that stupid?

      The govt got a red face after a monk got thrown in jail for 3 years for carrying chewing tobacco, which does not even produce second hand smoke. And then they could do nothing about it without losing face. So they did nothing for a year. Then they made some changes. 

      The 2007 Land Act is another good example where for the past 5 years the bureaucrats and the citizens have been ‘discovering’ the implications of the act painfully. Now they want to change it again and start the process all over again.

      This is our legislative process in Bhutan. So the less they do the better.

  10. Do away with Ata system right away. We need to do away with the system which humiliate a certain section of people. I don’t want to see my male relatives serve as a housekeeper in the army. We don’t need to follow Indian military system blindly.

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