Response to ‘Criminal charges applicable to three ministers say legal experts’
Whether it happened 10 yrs ago or 100 yrs. ago or under whatever regime is not the matter. What matters most is that corruption is corruption. Corruption is the root cause for all evils, it is unhealthy for a GNH country like ours and OAG and PM or the court must not try to use their power and social status to protect corrupt people when a prima facie case exists. It has and will set negative precedence as the public losing trust in the OAG and the DPT government has already taken place.
By Corrupt to Jail
Some argue that filing criminal charges against top leaders like the PM will paralyze the country. The PM is not above the law. If they break the law, they should be accountable. Bhutan will be paralyzed if it is governed by immoral, greedy and unethical leaders. The remark of the PM that Gyelpozhing land scandal occurred under a different system and his government is committed to prevent corruption now and in future is an insult to the Bhutanese people. The previous system did not encourage corruption. Under the previous system the welfare of the people was on the forefront. The PM should not worry about the government becoming dysfunctional. In the time of crisis we will support our King like our ancestors supported Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuk.
By Sonoma
Leave the interpretation to the judiciary branch of government!
Pema Wangchuk
Let’s pray that the judiciary of the country would not bend the laws in favor of the involved people.
I have lost faith in OAG.
The then land allotment committee who got many acres of land registered in their names and ministers who illegally accepted government should be charged as per the rules and regulations of our country. We as ordinary citizens are deprived of our rights because of those corrupted officials only. Though we respect the noble job done for us by them we want to see justice. Let the criminals be charged.
They cheated innosense people of Bhutan. Barking Barking like a street dogs in the name of democracy, these two dogs cheated public of Bhutan…..They should be punished without bail.