Response to ‘ACC files Gyelpozhing land case in Mongar Court’
The Penal Code of Bhutan was enacted in August 2004. Provisions of the penal code could not be applied retroactively. Offences related to forgery and deceptions are adequately covered by NA 1-2. Under this law the person guilty of forgery and deceptive practices are liable for prison term ranging from 3 to 6 years. ACC did a great job. The time and resources spent by ACC on this land scam should not go to waste. We will now watch how the judiciary performs its tasks. If necessary the ACC should take this case all the way to the Supreme Court.
Those of us who are committed to restore rule of law and thereby happiness to our people will make a detailed analysis of the verdict of the court and inform the public how the law is applied and interpreted by the court.
In the meantime can The Bhutanese disclose the names of judges who are allotted land in Gyelpozhing by the infamous Land Allotment Committee?
By Sonam
Gyelpozhing land case is such a land mark corruption case for Bhutanese Democracy. The outcome of this corruption case will in a way set the tone for clean democracy henceforth and live up to the definition of democracy being “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” It will also set the precedence for Bhutan’s future leaders and the government to uphold a clean government with zero tolerance to corruption of any kind. This would be a most befitting tribute to our Monarch’s gift of democracy to the people of Bhutan. Kudos to the ACC led by Dasho Aum Neten for leading by example and taking this case to its logical conclusion. Tashi Delek and keep up the good work ACC. My appreciation for serving the Tsa Wa Sum in the truest sense of the phrase.
By Thought
If I am the Prime Minister and I am indicted, I would give the plots to the ACC Chairperson and keep the topic shut instead of giving back the land so registered to the government. How fair is it on our Lyonpo’s’ part to say that they will return the land back to the government? If it is within their wish to have land when they like and return when they have been found guilty, why is it that we should have laws?
By Phur
Let’s see now who can bell the Cats?