Response to Denchi Land Compensation Scam – II
Parliament declared Denchi as Thromde B so where does PAVA get off categorising it as Rural B and compensating accordingly?
Does Parliament declare a Thromde or does PAVA? The anonymous source at PAVA seriously needs to understand where his responsibilities begin and where they end. PAVA does not get to declare Thromdes and in classifying land for compensation PAVA must do it according to Parliament’s classification.
by d.d.i
I think that ACC, if at all takes the case, will find the true answer for this. until then lets wait and see the real truth
By Just-to-be
May be we need to know that Denchi is going to be the major town of Pemagatshel Dzongkhag like Thimphu town for Thimphu Dzongkhag. Doksum is not the major town of Trashiyangtse because proper Trashiyangtse’s existing town is the major town of Trashiyangtse. Although Khasadrapchu is under Thimphu Dzongkhag, the rate of the land would differ from the land in the heart of Thimphu city.
Just because a maruti car has four wheel doesn’t mean that it would fetch Prado’s price. Just an opinion
By Dungpa
Response to Two principals, two sides, two consequences
who would believed when one person trying to blame the entire society. It is hard to understand the motive of kinley;s here.
By Drakpa
there is no smoke without a fire. Even if this principal was guilty Dorokha Dungkhag Court should have allowed him to present his case.Must sack the person in that court also. It simply shows that lenpo Sonam Tobgay is at loosing end.
This is complete corruption. Including RCSC and MoE(thakur). They are not apolitical. They also must be held responsible.
Even the MoE secretary must be sacked. she should have presented him to the court. If they can investigate and come to the conclusion then what is the need of Law(court)
by soisee
the article is clear……even after committing all the offences, thebhutanese is so bold to glorify his wrong doings by again publishing an article to support is illegitimate claims. ……. all i can see n sense is the “motive behind” publishing such kinda stories………
Editor’s note: The second story is a follow-up to the previous one since we couldn’t get the voices of MoE Secretary, and the other Principal Tashi. MoE minister was not available for comments even for this story.
Response to Clearing the Denchi cloud
“This is clear example of conflict of interest and reflects the ground reality that no influential people except for ordinary farmers own land in Duksum.”
Very true. Denchi farmers were paid higher coz influential people were involved, while Duksum farmers were paid PAVA rate coz they were poor farmers without any influential links..
By ngagidruk
WHY DPT? WHY JYT ONLY? I think ”The Bhutanese” is solely established to defame JYT led government and I feel they are paid to drag all this issues. So I don’t think “The Bhutanese” should worry about their sustainability for not getting ads from the government offices.
By Pema