Lhuntse election team on the move for general voter education

Tshering Tashi/Thimphu

For the upcoming 2nd Local Government (LG) Election, the Dzongkhag electoral staff in Lhuntse has formed three groups to educate voters in the chiwogs. While the leading team covered 12 chiwogs, the other two teams covered 6 and 5 chiwogs respectively.

Voter education was held either on open lawns or in the villagers’ homes. The voters were briefed on the importance of participation in the electoral process and democracy, importance of local government in decision making at the grass root level by the people for their benefit.

The teams also educated the voters on the criteria to contest for upcoming LG Election, like a person shall be, as per the Section 178 of Election Act, qualified as candidate or member of a LG, if he or she is a citizen of Bhutan, is a registered voter of that constituency, and does not belong to any political party.  Importance of functional literacy and possession of skills certificate and the minimum age of voters, and the minimum age of 25 years and not more than 65 years for candidates at the time of filing the nomination were taught as well.

Moreover, the voters and candidates were informed on the criteria for disqualification as a candidate or a member holding an elective office under the Constitution.

The election team s informed the voters on facts such as, a candidate cannot be a person who is not a citizen of Bhutan, have taxes or other dues to the government, has been found guilty of corrupted practice at an election, convicted for any criminal offence and sentenced to imprisonment, has been dismissed or removed or removed from public service or corporate sector.

In addition, the teams distributed brochures on 2nd LG Election, which includes postal ballot procedures and to draw the attention of voters to check whether they have correct Voter Photo Identity Card (VPIC) or not.

The brochure also includes messages, like the right and responsibility to vote (my vote, my voice and your choice), vote for your future-a wish and do not neglect your secret vote- an assurance.

Dzongkhag Electoral Registration officer, Kencho Wangdi, said, “There is a very less voter turn up for this campaign, for most of the people are busy and engaged in farming activities.”

There are 40 chiwogs under Lhuntse and the Dzongkhag electoral officials will continue to educate voters and candidates until all the chiwogs are fully covered before the due date of 2nd Local Government Election.


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