Logistics preparedness to save lives

On the 3-4th of August 2021, a National Logistics Preparedness Inception workshop was held by the Department of Disaster Management and MoAF in collaboration with WFP.

The workshop was organized as a part of activities under the Global Logistics Cluster Field-Based Preparedness Project. The interactive workshop aimed to support local preparedness capacity and institutional capacity in the existing disaster management coordination system, specifically in the area of humanitarian supply chain and logistics.

The workshop aimed to validate stakeholders’ commitment, assess system readiness, and conduct capacity needs mapping.  The intention is to establish a National Logistics Preparedness Working Group that includes wider participation beyond the public/ government agencies who are currently part of the Logistics Desk, to emphasise the key role that each stakeholder plays in disaster preparedness and response. The working group also serves as an information management forum for stakeholders to brainstorm and exchange ideas on how to contribute to logistics preparedness in Bhutan.

At the end of the inception workshop, the National Logistics Preparedness Working Group will be formalized with a clear Terms of Reference. It will be followed by consultative sessions involving the wider humanitarian community.

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