Lue dang Sem – the story of a dynamic reporter caught in the web of societal flaws

Film Lue dang SemPeople in the media and the news companies in the country deliver news every other day for readers, who are consumers of the information. It’s a simple two-way process, one that does not call for any other actions besides supply and more demand.

On the surface, for the readers, it is just a story. They are unaware of the inside story about how the reporters worked their news beats and sources to get inputs, the challenges he/she faced in due course of time.

A movie based on this theme which hit town recently sheds light on the many avenues of journalism. It shows the race for deadline which makes reporters work in a hectic and grueling environment, everyday.

Through the protagonist in the film, Lhaki Dolma the movie also presents the risks involved in the profession when a journalist has to protect sources at the cause of punitive legal measures against oneself.

The film, Lue Dang Sem through the protagonist looks at the workplace as well as her personal life as a reporter. The actress portrays the character of fair and fearless reporter called Selsi, originally known as Sonam Seldon who believes in being a force of change in counteractive journalism in Bhutan.

While people appreciate the work of reporters, who are bold enough to write issues related to corruption but there are some not so happy at the same time.

Selsi in the movie fearlessly writes investigative stories on corruption and about abuse on women and children. She is portrayed as a staunch believer that every Bhutanese citizen has the right to know the truth.

In the movie, through Selsi’s coverage as a bold reporter, on corruptions and abuse on women and children, justice is delivered to the victims.

There are also incidences of harassment faced by the reporter Selsi who also receives threat calls for covering corruption stories. Other times people involved also attempt to bribe her.

It’s said, as is the case of all bold reporters around the globe, there are retributions but for Selsi, ironically it comes as love where she falls in love with a guy and who ends up deceiving her and leaves her pregnant.

In the course of the ordeal she suffers a lot and tries to convince the man to accept her.

While it’s general understanding that reporters are always aware and alert , but sometimes they themselves get carried away and unknowingly get trapped and become victims.

The film also delves on this aspect, that after all reporters are human and sometimes they are bound to make mistakes.

Lhaki Dolma, the Director as well as actress who plays the role of reporter Selsi said that initially she didn’t think of such a concept but she said, the concept came after having seen some of the cases through her friends, relatives, cousins, motherless child who suffered because of some men. But she clarified not all men are the same.

“I got inspiration from there and thought to put the character of Selsi as a reporter with such issues in the country,” she said adding that it is a tribute and her way of appreciating the  job done by reporters.

Sharing her experiences while playing the role of a reporter, she said, people might not like to be a reporter after what Selsi goes through but she said at the same time, “We need such kind of reporters to cover such issues”.

The movie will be released on 21 January at Trowa Theatre in Thimphu.

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One comment

  1. Suzette Burrous

    Bravo Lhaki for reporting/filming on this subject. Very important that we women speak up against violence and abuse of women. I look forward to seeing the movie. I hope it will have English sub-titles. In the USA we are demonstrating against this on 1/26/13 and on Valentine’s day, 2/14/13, through large dance gatherings…..”One Billion Strong”

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