Lyonchen proposes ways to concretize global happiness in New York

Prime Minister Lyonchen Jimi Y Thinley, in his opening address at the United Nations Head Quarter in New York City on 2 April, said that Gross National Product (GDP) not only should but must be replaced by Gross National Happiness (GNH) if mankind is to avoid its current unsustainable and self-destructive course.

Lyonchen, in order to concretize the global happiness proposed compiling a report to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, along with a set of policy recommendations that governments may choose to voluntarily adopt at their own pace and on their own terms to move towards the new economy.

He also suggested fleshing out details of the four dimensions of the new economy by a commission of eminent experts for the consideration of the 67th session of the General Assembly in 2013.

Lyonchen also advised on preparing a strategy to carry this process forward to Rio + 20 and UN General Assembly deliberations on what must replace the MDGs after 2015 and outlining initiatives to promote a global movement for the new sustainability based economic paradigm.

The conference titled “Well-being and Happiness: Defining a New Economic Paradigm,” brought together more than six hundred representatives of government — including Costa Rican President Laura Chincilla, President of UN Economic and Social Council Miloas Koteree, President of the UN General Assembly — academics and other civic leaders to discuss the issue, endorsing the importance of happiness.

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