Lyonchhen and RCSC Chairman to work on strengthening Civil Service after National Day address

The Prime Minister Lyonchhen (Dr) Lotay Tshering said he started dissecting the Royal address on the 111th National Day from the same evening and that he had also spoken to the RCSC Chairman.

Lyonchhen said that the first part of the speech on the four political parties and their visions was a message of unity,

Lyonchhen said that after that the whole speech was on civil servants and public servants and this showed that there was need for improvement.

The PM said that his government would follow up on the visionary statement and take necessary action.

The PM also said that since Samtse was chosen as the venue of the National Day Samtse should be blessed and so some additional attention would be paid to Samtse with some action plans.

The RCSC Chairman Dasho Karma Tshiteem said, “His Majesty’s 2018 National Day address is a wake-up call to the civil service. But what struck me was the immense trust, faith and confidence placed on the civil service for the wellbeing of the nation and the achievement of national goals and objectives of a just and harmonious society. I think it is a time for all of us in the “Royal Civil Service” to reflect on this grave responsibility and respond with greater commitment, conviction and courage.”

Dasho said, “We always draw inspiration from His Majesty’s words and actions, and I hope His Majesty’s National Day address will make civil servants accept that there is tremendous room for us to make a bigger difference in our country’s development if we wholeheartedly embrace our roles and responsibilities. From improving public service delivery, upholding the rule of law, enhancing the reputation and national identify to holding free and fair elections etc. nothing is beyond us.”

“As his Majesty categorically stated, whether the country succeeds or fails rest entirely on us. I am personally motivated even more deeply to do my utmost to serve the nation and I urge all my fellow civil servants to do the same,” Dasho added.

The RCSC Chairman said that the RCSC had instituted various reforms and put the systems in place but what is important now is to change civil servant’s behavior and work culture.

He said that more reforms would be brought in and that the RCSC is motivated to double its efforts.

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  1. The only way to eradicate corruption is to streamline civil servants. Corruption has become so rampant that it has almost become legal. If the Government and RCSC are truly serious then high time to learn from and streamline the “Singaporean way”..before its too late.

  2. Nima Gyaltshen

    More reforms in RCSC still? There is need to first look at the workability of already introduced reforms… Many reforms currently have demoralized civil servants and led to many leaving the service.

  3. The RCSC Chairman said that the RCSC had instituted various reforms and put the systems in place but what is important now is to change civil servant’s behavior and work culture.

    which reform benefited the most.. rather than encouraging the civil servant,it demotivated the hard working civil servant. Rather than motivation, most are demotivated and doesnot seems be very effective.

    RCSC should survey on the reforms benefits. Internally, CIvil servant might just say we are happy.

  4. Civil servants reform in a sense is timely in the office, no smart phones and willingness deals to all customers!

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