Lyonchhen tours Trongsa, Trashiyangtze and Trashigang

Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay completed the gewog tour for Trongsa Dzongkhag today after visiting Korphu gewog today afternoon.

Talking to the people of Korphu gewog, Lyonchhen highlighted about the importance of health and education . Lyonchhen explained that the free health services provided should be efficiently used and urged the people to complete the medicine dosage for complete cure without wasting it.

Lyonchhen also spoke on the importance of sanitation explaining that having toilet and not using it is useless. Lyonchhen told the people that sanitation meant health and urged the people to keep healthy.

On educational ground, Lyonchhen told the people that the teacher student ratio in Korphu stands at 1:12 which he elaborated meant that a teacher had to take care of only 12 students. Lyonchhen explained a teacher taking care of only 12 students meant better focus and care for the students.

However, Lyonchhen told the people that if educational opportunities are better in Central Schools, then they should consider sending their children to Central Schools.

Lyonchhen told the people that the government and citizens must work hard bearing their own responsibilities to achieve self-reliance and wished the people well for attending the meeting despite the rainfall.

Lyonchhen also visited Nabji Guru Lhakhang.

Korphu Gewog is one of the farthest gewog in Trongsa Dzongkhag. The name ‹Korphu› is derived from ‹gour› meaning stone and ‹pho› meaning cave, literally translated to stone cave.

The village Korphu is believed to be founded by Guru Rinpoche the Second Buddha. Legends say that when Guru Rinpoche reconciled Gyab Sindu Raja and Nachoe (Big Nose) who were initially fighting, they signed a pact on the stone still present in Nabji.

Great treasures were also discovered in the late 15th century by Terton Pema Lingpa.

There are 218 households in Korphu.

Lyonchhen will be visiting Gewogs on Trashiyangtze and Trashigang after this.


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