Man damages eight cars in one night

On 28 March, Thimphu police arrested a 23 years old man from Lhuentse for damaging eight different types of car, parked near the Mothithang fuel depot.

Upon receiving a complaint, the police reached the scene and though the suspect fled away the police using the description given by the complainant, arrested him on the same night.

All the eight cars were found with dents and glasses and window broken. The complainant said that, the suspect was kicking and punching the cars. His left hand was injured at the time of arrest.

Police said that, they found a huge stone near an Alto car whereby the window of the Alto was broken. It is suspected that, the suspect used the stone.

He damaged eight cars causing a damage worth of Nu.60,000 where, the least amount charged is Nu.3000 while the maximum Nu.29,000.

Police said that, at the time of arrest he was under the influence of alcohol. The suspect denied committing the crime.

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