Mass electric fencing to curb human-wildlife conflict

The Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Yeshey Dorji, said that the electric fencing is an effective and cheaper way to ward off the human-wildlife conflict. He was speaking at the 14th Meet-the-Press yesterday.

Lyonpo said the government plans to carry out a mass solar powered or electric powered fencing project in the country in the next one year.

In 2014-15, 1000km of solar fencing was carried out in the country, among which 39 gewogs in the east was covered. “People are appreciating of it and they want to have more,” Lyonpo said on the positive feedback on the electric fencing from the people.

Talking on the cost of the fencing, he said the technology is not very expensive, as a kilometer of the fencing costs around Nu 30,000, covering 40-50 acres of land and consists of about 20 landowners.

Lyonpo added that the cost averages to Nu 1500 for each landowner and those possessing lesser land portion will pay lesser amount. However, Lyonpo said the land survey must be conducted to know the actual cost.

The ministry has instructed the geog extension offices, forestry, livestock and agriculture to conduct consultations with farmers on the mass electric fencing project, and based upon the report, the government will supply the equipment.

Lyonpo said the pilot project on trial, test, technology adopting has been carried out almost in every gewog. He said the farmers, seeing the benefits of the electric fencing, are willing to adopt a cost sharing basis to put up the fence.

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