Matrimonial cases figure second highest in last year’s list


As per the annual judiciary report of 2011, there are 225 cases filed with Bench 1 of the district court alone from which 73 were related to money, 53 matrimony and the rest were crimes and land disputes.

Of the total of 45 cases registered in the last two months with the district court, Thimphu, 16 were monetary cases; 11 matrimonial and the rest criminal.

Most of the matrimonial cases filed were based on alcohol-induced domestic violence or extramarital affairs.

From the 11 matrimonial cases, only two were filed by husbands and the rest by wives.

According to the district court, all the cases registered are mostly from the urban areas of Thimphu, because most of the time, disputes in rural areas are settled by the local government authorities.

Similarly, the maximum number of money and land disputes plus crime cases are registered from the urban areas.

Crime cases include battery, larceny, rape, burglary, and auto-stripping.

Most criminals are youths.

The court had 163 pending cases from last year excluding 84 new cases filed in the last two months.

Forty one cases of the 247 were decided, whereas five of the cases were appealed to the high court (HC).

There are still 206 cases pending with the Thimphu district court.

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  1. its worth of reading

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