Meat car driver arrested for battery and attempt to rape

A 24 year old man was arrested on 10 January from Phuntsholing for injuring and attempting to rape a 33 year old woman on 9th January 2016 in Gedu.

The suspect is from Pemagatshel and is a driver of one of the meat delivery cars. The incident took place at Padichu, about 12 km away from Gedu police station towards Thimphu.

Police said that, the victim took a lift in suspect’s vehicle from Chunzom check-post as the vehicle was travelling towards Phuentsholing. She was offered drinks when they stopped at one hotel at Wangkha, Chukha.

Upon reaching Padichu, the suspect took the feeder road heading to GREF labor camp and tried to rape her. The suspect after failing to rape her, left the victim injured and ran away from the scene with her mobile phone.

Pema Dorji, Deputy Manager of BPC helped the victim. He said that he was travelling towards Gedu from Wangkha. He said that, one woman was asking for a lift when he reached Padichu junction at around 1:45 pm.

He said, “I stopped the car and asked her to get in. She right away started crying and her hand was covered with blood and there was a small injury in her head and she started narrating the incident that took place”.

He also said, after hearing her story he tried to call police but due to poor network, he immediately took victim to the Gedu police.

Police caught the suspect with the help of information on his appearance described by the victim and other information gathered from a nearby meat shop.

The suspect is under custody and the case is still under investigation. Police will be soon forward the case to the Office of the Attorney General for prosecution.

The Police said, “For those who take lift in unknown vehicles please make sure to note the vehicle number so that if anything happens, it can help us in investigation and we can penalize the culprit at the earliest”.


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