Ministry of Education

MoE’s Learning Management System aims to give quality online courses for students and teachers

To provide uninterrupted education, the education ministry has developed the Learning management System (LMS) as a part of the Digital Flagship Programme. It is a web-based device independent system that will facilitate learning anywhere anytime. The system is intended to benefit the school from classes PP-XII.

The Education Minister J.B Rai said as everything is turning into digitalization it is very important to provide education without any interruption. Irrespective of change in curriculum or other factors, if the children are not adapted and upgraded to technologies, they will not know and also the effectiveness of teaching learning will not take place.

He said so far education has been curriculum based and classroom based.

“Now the time has changed and education has to be learning by oneself where students must learn, educate themselves and explore their potential. Education has to be supported and supplemented by technologies. So far teaching learning has been taking place in the schools and similarly teaching learning should also take place virtually, so to do that technologies are required,” said the minister.

The interesting part of the learning management system is that the students and teachers can be tracked on their performance, challenges and difficulties through this system.

Chief ICT Officer, MoE, Tsheyang Tshomo said the entire Learning Management System will be completed by April end, 2021. The idea of LMS came before the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. However, this learning management system will work well during such a pandemic. This idea was to support education learning and to bring in Ictization in teaching and learning in the country.

The piloting of project will be done in February or March this year, where few schools and classes in Thimphu will be involved and then the ministry will then take it forward in all the dzongkhags, she said.

She said LMS is a blended learning approach where some portion of the supporting documents will be given online. This will make everybody ready in case if there is a lockdown. Earlier students and teachers had faced difficulties and were not aware how online teaching learning works, so there was a little hiccups faced by them as they are used to the traditional way of learning.

Through LMS, teachers can create a course, add activities such as quizzes, assignments, interactive contents, videos and assign their students the course. Students can access the course and submit assignments which can be assessed and graded.

The main objectives of LMS are to provide access to quality online courses for students and teachers and customized learning materials that are aligned with the Bhutanese curriculum. The system will provide a platform for collaborative learning among students and teachers and statistics on student learning for intervention and decision making.

Using LMS can supplement classroom teaching and learning and students can also access the course multiple times, anytime

Currently, the connectivity and infrastructure are anticipated, however, there are projects such as Flagship on ICT in Education and Digital Drukyul Flagship that will overcome these challenges.

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