MoH to commence nationwide health survey

This year 100 enumerators of 2012 trained by the health ministry (MoH) and 40 supervisors from the ministry will carry out a health survey in the 20 dzongkhags as they visit the field by the 22nd of this month.

The survey was not held since last 12 years.

The General Secretary of MoH Ugyen Dophu said it is the right time to prove where our country is in terms of international statistics through this health survey because in the data it says our country is doing well.

However the survey is also held to find out what new diseases are appearing and whether the hospitals and medications are reaching the places. “In particular to the nomads as health services in their places is not good,” he said.

The General Secretary said survey should be done within five years but this time it has delayed but with this survey we will know which village or the gewog needs extra attraction.

Each team visiting different places will consist of four participants and one supervisor and for the survey two teams will be sent to one Dzongkhag.

The participants will be paid Nu 6000 per month and when they walk to the rural areas they will be paid Nu 150 as daily subsistence allowance (DSA). The participants will be provided with safety kits and sleeping bags each as they all are from humble backgrounds. “Moreover all Dzongkhag level hospitals will help them with the lodging,” said Ugyen Dophu.

Asked about the trip to dzongkhags and villages for survey, a participant for the survey, Dilip Ghalley, 23 a graduate from Darjeeling said he ought to take this training because he can gain knowledge rather than stay at home idle.

Namgay Tenzin, 26 and a graduate from Kalimpong said he joined the survey to help the Health Ministry and is interested in adventures.

Sonam Wangmo

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