MoIT introduces Bicycle Regulations to Promote Safety on the Roads

The country’s bicycle regulations are going into effect, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in an effort to increase the safety of cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users.

With immediate effect, the new regulations which will be applied as an addition to Chapter VI of the Road Safety and Transport Regulations 2021 and will come into force.

Bicyclists will be expected to follow traffic laws and regulations under the recently enacted regulations, which regulate bicycles similar to motor vehicles. According to the regulations, violations of traffic laws will be subject to penalties similar to those imposed on drivers.

Among the key provisions of the bicycle regulations are requirements regarding bicycle equipment. Cyclists must ensure that their bicycles are equipped with an efficient braking system, a warning bell, as well as front and rear lights.

Additionally, cyclists will be obligated to use designated bicycle lanes whenever available. In the absence of such lanes, they are required to ride as close to the left edge of the road as practicable.

Cyclists will also be prohibited from using earphones and handheld devices while riding.

In order to promote visibility during night time and poor weather conditions, cyclists must use a headlamp and a rear red blinker light.

Furthermore, cyclists will be required to wear a bicycle helmet, securely fastened with a chin strap, at all times while riding.

The regulations also address several prohibited activities, including parking bicycles on footpaths or roads, riding in restricted areas, riding without holding the handlebars, riding abreast with other cyclists, leaning against stationary vehicles, and riding on or across footpaths.

Other offenses listed in the regulations include riding a bicycle while being towed by another vehicle, failing to give appropriate hand signals while turning or changing direction, and riding bicycles on pedestrian crossings.

The Ministry has emphasized the importance of compliance with the new regulations and will issue Transport Infringement Notices (TINs) to offenders, linking the penalties to their citizenship identity card numbers.

Moreover, individuals who fail to pay the imposed penalties will face restrictions on obtaining services from the authority, including learner licenses, driving licenses, and motor vehicle registrations.

It should be noted that the regulations also set a minimum age requirement of 12 years for cycling in urban areas and on highways. However, this age restriction will not apply to children cycling in private premises.

Cyclists are hopeful that the enforcement of these regulations will create a safer environment on the roads, fostering a culture of responsible cycling and ensuring the well-being of all road users. With the Ministry taking the lead in promoting road safety, cyclists are optimistic about the positive impact these regulations will have on the community.

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