Mongar displays mini-flower exhibition to commemorate HM’s 39th Birth Anniversary

Inspired by His Majesty’s emphasis on the importance of maintaining a clean, safe, organized and beautiful space for national integrity and national pride, Mongar Dzongkhag decked the heart of the town with a vibrant display of flowers and plants to commemorate His Majesty’s 39th Birth anniversary.

Mongar Dzongda, Ugen Sonam said that the mini-flower display is a very small and humble gesture to express People’s gratitude to His Majesty and celebrate the auspicious day. He said that it wasn’t asking too much to manifest His Majesty’s vision for a cleaner and greener Bhutan to the dzongkhag and local government level.

“So, every Gewog in the dzongkhag has a small flower garden being displayed in their respective celebration areas exception of the four Gewogs that have come together with the Dzongkhag to celebrate the day owing to the close distance,” said Dzongda Ugen Sonam.

Henceforth, the Dzongda said, Mongar Dzongkhag will emphasize vigorously on beautification works including plantation in and around the area with the theme—Nation Building Through Cleanliness—in order to foster a strong sense of appreciation for a clean and healthy environment.

In order to create awareness, the dzongkhag has started distributing pamphlets with waste management and environmental messages.

Cleaning campaigns were also carried out after the celebration.

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