Mothithang suspect faces voluntary manslaughter after being shown to be mentally unstable

The forensic medical examination team have asserted a few findings in the murder case of a 24-year-old woman in lower Mothithang. The Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) sent the suspect for further medical examination on the assertion of the suspect and his parents that he was mentally unsound.

The Psychiatrist testing the suspect has found significant mental issues, which made him prone to sudden outbursts of anger and irritability when provoked due to his poor communication skills and level of understanding. 

The forensic medical team shared that before they had consulted a psychiatric, they observed that the suspect while sharing the details of the incident talked with signs of hesitation, including stuttering and disruption in thought collection and display of anger describing the scenes. He showed no signs of remorse.

As for the rape, it couldn’t be completely ruled out.

The forensic medical examiner of JDWNRH shared that the reason being so is that to assert rape, medical evidence is examined to see if there are any virginal hymenal injuries and presence of spermatozoa were not found which indicates that there were no sexual intercourse involved.

Still, the medical examiner said that this does not completely mean that there was no sexual intercourse, because to explain the anatomy, women hymen which is circular is elastic and in some instance the diameter is large, so in such cases if there is occurrence of sexual intercourse, these circumstances does not favor the incidence as there were no injuries.

The medical examiner said although this leaves no medical evidence, however, it cannot exclude that there wasn’t any sexual intercourse.

Also, in terms of spermatozoa, if during intercourse, protection is used or ejection is released outside, it would not show during medical examination.

He shared other possible examination here is DNA testing which is carried out by RBP. Every contact leave traces, so if there was sexual intercourse, it can be traced through DNA testing and since the deceased’s innerwear was discovered nearby her body the DNA testing will be done.

In the case of the deceased, since she has already given birth, presence of hymen was not there.

With the suspect confessing to the murder of the woman, RBP has forwarded the case for prosecution to OAG as voluntary manslaughter on 29 April 2024 and the case is still under review.

The incident occurred on 31 March 2024, when the body of the 24-year-old woman was discovered hidden behind a BPC meter box located near the suspect’s residence, nearby DGPC office, in lower Mothithang.   

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