Motorists fined for using a parking zone that is yet to open

Within a span of a week, many motorists have paid a penalty of Nu 750 by parking between the craft bazaar and Bhutan Development Finance Corporation (BDFC) building, not knowing that they are violating traffic rules.

This stretch is a much awaited parking zone but incomplete and though it will be open only from July 1, motorists are already parking their vehicles in the area, mistaking it to be open.

But the traffic division said it did not receive any notifications from the Thimphu Thromde (TCC) prior to the incidents where motorists were penalized. Superintendent of police for the Thimphu Traffic Division (TDD), Major Passang Dorji said the confusion arose because TCC did not refer to proper guidelines whereby the other two stakeholders, the Road Safety and Transport Authority (RSTA) and the TDD had to be informed about the creation of these parking spaces.

Meanwhile an engineer with TCC Ugyen Lhamo said that the project also includes the creation of parking spaces near the vegetable market, in front of the new Bank of Bhutan (BoB) office, NaturalResources Development Corporation Limited(NRDCL), and four others.

A craft bazaar shop keeper, Dawa Gyeltshen,said, “This initiative could improve our business since the customers can park their cars next to our stalls.”

Responding to complaints from motorist that a proper sign board prohibiting parking should be put up in the area, Major Passang Dorji said,“We agree it is not the mistake of the public but of the stake holders so most probably they will be excused but the individuals who already paid the penalty did not come to the concerned authority for justification.”

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