NA adopts Lhengye Zhungtshog Bill of Bhutan 2020

The National Assembly adopted the Lhengye Zhungtshog Bill of Bhutan 2020 with 42 Yes, 2 No and 2 Abstaining out of 46 Members present and voting.  

The House deliberated on Chapters regarding powers, functions and responsibilities, privileges and immunities, code of conduct, offences and penalties and dissolution of the Lhengye Zhungtshog.

The Human Rights and Foreign Relations Committee recommended to introduce a new chapter in the Bill to cover the establishment of the secretariat office for the Prime Minister and also proposed 11 changes to the Bill including the new chapter on the establishment of the new PM office.

Meanwhile, the bill was forwarded to National council for the deliberation on the changes that the NA made to the Bill.

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