NC poll day on 20th April

The Royal Decree calling the National Council Elections and setting the process in motion was issued on the 15th of February 2018 with poll day on 20th April

The aspiring Candidates are specifically being notified that, they must invariably be present at the Zomdu at 9 a.m. sharp as per the schedule circulated in respective Dzongkhags by the Dzongkhag Election Authority along with his/her photo with the mandated size for use on the EVM and, the Zomdu conducting team shall check whether he/she meets the age and mitsi registration requirement.

A Candidate shall conduct his/her campaign only as per the Election Campaign Schedule approved by the concerned Returning Officer and copy endorsed to the concerned Observer.

All Banks or financial institutions are also required to report to the Election Commission any abnormal transaction of money, including in the account of a Candidate contesting the Elections.

ECB also notifies that a Candidate contesting the National Council Elections and all concerned shall neither serve meals or refreshments, nor pay the general public or voters for attendance of election campaigns or produce and distribute T-shirts and caps etc.

The end of election campaign will be on 18th of April 2018 (Wednesday), and the last day for receiving Postal Ballots will be done the following day. The National Council poll day and counting of results will be carried out on 20th of April 2018 (Friday). The Declaration of Results & Submission of the Results to His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo will be carried out the next day on the 21st of April 2018 (Saturday).

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