NEC launches National Environment Strategy

National Environment Commission (NEC) launched the National Environment Strategy (NES) on 4 June coinciding with Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen’s 30th Birth Anniversary.  NES has the vision of a healthy and sustainable environment for present and future generation in pursuit of Gross National Happiness.

NEC stated that NES would be critical in shaping the 21st century economic road map of Bhutan and working synergistically with the successive five-year plans.

Foreign Minister Dr Tandi Dorji said, “ The environment strategy is the most important strategy, which will guide environmental conservation giving equal importance to social, cultural and economic development.” He said NES stands to help and guide all the sectors in prioritising their plans and programs within the ambit of environmental concern.

The strategy will be engulfed around four core chapters; water, air, life and land, and will reflect the integrated and interconnected approach required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and address key challenges of our era, particularly climate and biodiversity crises.

UN Resident Coordinator, Gerald Daly, commented that the strategy was an example of the best practices in environmental policy formulation, incorporating integrated implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. He added, “It reflects the deep connection between environment and culture in Bhutan, as well as the environmental issues that need to be addressed urgently, such as climate change, biodiversity protection, sustainable urbanization and human health.”

NES was reportedly revised in full consultation with central and local government levels with support of the task force members from all the sectors of the government, including UN, NGOs and the private sector.

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