Thimphu Thrompon Ugyen Dorji

New Thimphu Thrompon to address drinking water shortage, sanitation, pollution and mobility in Thromde

The new Thimphu Thrompon Ugyen Dorji said he intends to complete all the pledges and even more through leadership and coordination with diverse stakeholders.

 “My first step is to sit together with my office staff to prioritize and address the most needed services like water, sanitation and mobility and also focus on digital connectivity,” he said.

“In my view the problems are common regarding water, sanitation, pollution and mobility and I along with the relevant stakeholders will plan to address the issues to make the city resilient,” he added.

On the issue of drinking water he said while the city has the Dodena water source, which many feel should solve the water shortage, there are many factors down the line such as plumbers, distribution lines, treatment plants, gradient required for proper flow and infrastructural quality to be looked at and managed to minimize the water wastage so that water at intake reaches the outlet.

He said, “We have to focus on management of water system as whole to address these issues.”

He said that people have seen mayors elected from the South region in the last two elections.

“Two terms has passed with the same person getting elected from the same region so, I feel, it made people to think this is not healthy because the south and north region falls under one Thromde,” he said.

He added that this is the third thromde election since the country’s inception of democracy, and the majority of people now understand the nature of democracy, which is to search for essential factors that their representative should possess. Also, people are qualified, informed, and experienced voters.

According to the new Thrompon, the greatest challenge is seeing an obstacle as an opportunity, which can be difficult for service providers or dealing officers when they are challenged to find solutions to problems. This is because one must be realistic and brave in order to meet obstacles with commitment.

He said, “I was humbled by trust and confidence people have vouched in me and then after overwhelmed by the congratulations from voters, friends and supporters. Thank you so much for electing me as your voice and representative and together I will work with you all to address the issues and change we wanted.”

40-year-old Ugyen Dorji, securing 1,776 votes, beat the former Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee who served two consecutive terms. Ugyen Dorji holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Australia. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the College of Science and Technology in Phuentsholing

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One comment

  1. Do you follow up on politicians promises la? It’ll be nice to follow up every year

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