New water source for Dagapela means new town can make headway

Dagapela’s new township, which is still being finalized, will source its water supply from Lamechhu under Karna gewog, 31 kms away, according to Dagana dzongkhag officials.

“The only option for the long term water supply is to source it from Lammechhu,” said Dzongkhag engineer Jamyang Dorji. “The other option is the  Buedlum River, which would need a 24X7 pumping and high cost maintenance in future.”

The water supply project worth Nu 165 million is expected to be completed by the time the actual town construction begins. So far the design and procurement of Ductile Iron (DI) pipes has been done and construction is expected to begin soon.

Acute water shortage in the area has been a problem since 2012 and has been the main concern during the consultative meeting with the people in planning Dagapela’s new township. Lamechhu was identified as the source to the township area based on a study by the dzongkhag and the ministry.

“For any development or settlement to take place, water should be given the first priority” said DT Chairman Gup Lhawang Dorji adding that if a reliable source is not identified, the plan may have to be terminated.

Urban Planner for the town area Mrs Tshering Pelden said topographical survey was completed earlier this year followed by fetching details of Dalbari – Lhamoizingkha Highway since it falls in the township area. She said that once the process is completed plotting would be done. “After the plotting, the draft needs to be presented to the public within January and February next year,” she said.

The building of the town is divided into three phase where the 1st phase falls in the old town, 2nd phase from the highway till Dagapela Shedra and third phase around the shedra.

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