While Phojas of the men’s category, also a new team this year won the summer basketball tournament
Teamwork served as the perfect tonic for the members of the newest women’s basketball team in town, Sparks, who put together an outstanding combo of team work and skills in the recent summer basket ball tournament.
Sparks lifted their first trophy as a team, in their debut tournament after defeating ten years old Dozens in the finals (52-44) and for the second time in the tournament. Dozens, re-formed with new players this season put up a tough game but eventually gave way to the undisputed Sparks.
“You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together as a team, the club won’t be worth a dime I think we did very much play as a good team,” co-founder and player of Sparks, Karma Choden Tshering said.
The team had the best forwards, shooters and held a very sturdy defense throughout the tournament.
“We are extremely happy and pleased to have won the tournament. Especially since it’s a new team and moreover our first win. It has been a good start for the SPARKS and hoping for many more in the near future,” Karma Choden Tshering said.
En route conquering victory in the tournament, Sparks defeated two teams twice in the tournament and played their toughest game against Team Ravens. “They were considered the competitor by our team as they had the best players and sharp shooters. We had a neck on neck match with them but in the end we managed to win,” a Spark’s player said.
Phojas also a new team this season and winners of the coronation tournament swept the trophy again in the men’s category by beating Pazaps in the finals (76-65). Pazaps comprises childhood friends and schoolmates and was founded in 1999.
Phojas, mid-way through the tournament scored 107 points against Team Woezer to break their own record of 92 points, which they scored in the same ongoing summer basketball tournament.
The summer basketball tournament which started off on September 18, 2012 was organized by Terton Woezer events management in collaboration with Bhutan Olympics Committee with a total of 20 men’s teams and five women’s teams taking part in the competition.
The player of the championship male went to His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck of Phojas and player of the championship female went to Kuenzang Dema of Sparks.
Kuenzang Dema scored the highest points in the women’s category during the tournament followed by Sangay Choden (Naku) and Dechen Choden. All three players play the forward position with Sparks.
Drukdra Penjor of Team Wizards bagged the best player male award and best player female was awarded to Tshering Pem of Team Dozens.
Sparks and Phojas, along with the winning trophies took home Nu 80,000 each while Pazaps and Dozens won Nu 40,000 each besides the runners up trophies.
The finals for both men and women were played on October 4, 2012 at the YDF indoor basketball court.