Paro Dzongkhags meets and exceeds its targets in mid-term review

During the 11thfive year plan midterm review on March 7, 2016 at Paro Dzongkhag, the various achievements, programs on track and at risk progress were presented and discussed.

The key results area was the enhanced rural household income and food grain sufficiency, improved health status of the communities and improved quality of the urban life. The traditional and cultural heritage of the Dzongkhag was preserved and promoted and there was enhancement of sustainable management and conservation of natural resources.

There also improvement in transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in public service delivery and education was also improved with accessibility, quality and literacy.

So far, as per the Dzongkhag the key total result in 30 areas have been achieved, 13 are on track and 3 are at risk which brings the total to 46.

The major achievement of capital investment has been maintenance and the renovation at Drugyel, Dawakha and Bitekha Basic Health Unit (BHU) where the target was three and all have been met.

Another major achievement was the construction, maintenance and renovation of Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) where for the construction, the target was 34 and what has been achieved so far was that 37 RWSS was renovated out of 82.

Regarding the number of lower secondary schools with new infrastructure development and renovation work, four out of five have been achieved so far. These are construction of six unit classroom at Gaupei LSS, construction of assembly ground with alter at Drugyel LSS and construction of girls hostel, warden and matron’s quarter at Dawakha LSS and toilet at Woochu LSS.

90 percent of the targets were achieved in Middle second and primary schools for infrastructure developmental and renovation works.  100% of the target for infrastructure development and maintenance work was achieved for the construction of farm roads and the new infrastructure development and renovation work in Higher Secondary Schools.

No baselines were made for the subsidy support for silo pit and dairy shed construction, however, 56 achievements have been made so far as 22 farmers constructed both dairy shed and silo pit while 34 farmers constructed only silo pit through subsidy support program. Similarly no baseline had been made for establishment of yoghurt processing plant at Shaba, however, the achievement made through the Dzongkhag and Department’s initiative.

56 farm roads and 46 irrigation schemes were maintained and renovated where 24 were implemented through Gewog Development Grants (GDG) on farm road and 21 irrigation schemes implemented through GDG.

11.2 km of electric fence were constructed so far under three gewogs with 3.7 km in Bemphu, 2.8 km in Woochu, and 4.64 km in Tsentoshari.

Basically, all the gewogs benefitted by the number of projects implemented with GDG fund and there 151 achievements.

Some of the issues and challenges faced were some of the farmers dropping semi commercial farms like piggery and poultry due to religious sentiments for culling. Here the recommendation was made to support and encourage the educated youths in establishing farms through some subsidy support program.

Other challenges faced were mismatch of requisition of teachers from MoE, waste management due to increasing population and increased number of tourist visitors and the production data published by the RNR based on crop-cut methods which are misleading for which the recommendation was made that the data needs to be in reporting production targets.

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