In an event to mark the world intellectual property (IP) day organized by the IP division of the economic affairs ministry (MoEA), the inventors yesterday, spoke on their inventions and on how they intended to use their inventions.
The first invention titled “A New Composition containing Plant Extracts for Cosmetic Treatment” is a biochemical invention, invented by Quantum Pharmaceutical Limited based in Hong Kong.
The second invention titled “Cost Effective Maintenance-Free Electrical Grounding System” is an electrical invention, invented by Mr. Jigme Tobgyel, an Electrical Engineer by profession. The two inventors were also awarded a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) award for innovative enterprises, a trophy to Quantum Pharmaceutical Limited and a WIPO Award for Inventors, a medal for Jigme Tobgyel as recognition for their inventions. Earlier this year, the IPD established a registry for patents as mandated by the Industrial Property Act of the kingdom of Bhutan, 2001 providing inventors with an effective means to protect and promote their inventions. The registration has been opened to all interested individuals and companies from March 1, 2012.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. It is an official license from the government giving one person or business the right to make and sell a particular product or process and to prevent others from doing the same. It is protected 20 years from the date of filing subject to use.
Of all of the forms of intellectual-property protection, patents are the most complex and tightly regulated. Patents are basically copyrights for inventions. Unlike copyrights, patents protect the idea or design of the invention, rather than the tangible form of the invention itself. Consequently, patenting something is a much trickier procedure than copyrighting something.
MoEA secretary Dasho Sonam Tshering graced the occasion as chief guest. About 75 participants from government agencies, private sector, the inventors along with teachers and students from various schools in Thimphu attended.
The theme for this year’s World IP Day is “Creativity: the next generation”.
Great job. Our systems should create enabling environment and promote creativity, innovation and inventions faster so that every citizen has the chance to contribute to the development and growth of the country. Developed countries have reached their present level of development-heights due to such factors: systems creating environment, people contributing as growth factors in return.